Friday, November 26, 2010

First Credit Auction!!

 Table full of goodies to bid on!

 Thank you, parents, for donating such great stuff!

 Bridger made me laugh out loud when he bid for the poodle!

 But then he gave it to Jordan to complete his "princess" ensemble!

 Taylor knew exactly what she wanted!

 Precious, Sam, just precious.

 Yay, Sadie!  You got your Goosebumps book!

 Alanna with her candy

 Kylie won some cool items!

Kade was so excited to bid on these toys

We had a really great time!  Thanks for helping to make it happen!

Thanksgiving Candy Turkeys

Class Constitution finished!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Class Constitution

In finishing our unit on the Constitution, we are creating a class constitution!  We created the preamble yesterday:

We the students of room 109
in order to form a more perfect class,
establish respect, insure kindness,
provide for a quality learning environment,
promote doing our best, 
and secure the blessings of awesomeness
to ourselves and our teacher,
do ordain and establish this constitution 
of the united people of Miss Huyett's class.

Kind of catchy, isn't it?  :)

Welcome to Polyhedraville!

We created 3D cities to practice what we've been learning about 3D shapes and nets, and to introduce our new unit of area and perimeter!  Great work, boys and girls!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Preamble in Sign Language

More Videos From "The Band"

Jordan created a parody of Ke$ha's "Tik Tok" and taught the lyrics to "the band" at lunch, and then they performed for the class!  It's about being a nerd.  :)

 Their favorite song, however, is "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz.  :)