Friday, December 17, 2010

Class Talent Show!!!

We had a FANTASTIC talent show, I must say!  The majority of our class participated.  It was really fun to see what talents our classmates have been developing outside of school!  I had no idea my students were so accomplished!  We had people play the piano, sing, do yo-yo tricks, moonwalk, rap, do skits, do cheerleading students, sing original songs, display artwork, and do puppetry!  Then I finished up by playing some songs on the guitar.  It was a really fun time.  :)

Oregon or Bust!

We participated in a 2-day simulation of the Oregon Trail!  We made wagons out of our desks, bought supplies, traded with Native Americans, forded a river, passed several landmarks, had a "shin dig" at Fort Laramie (that included learning to dance the Virginia Reel!), and confronted such disasters as Malaria, Cholera, incessant rain, snake bites, and Dysentery.  One of our own, poor Cole, died from Malaria.  Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures!  But, I did take this one of all our signatures carved into Independence Rock (otherwise known as the whiteboard).  :)


The fifth grade was in charge of putting together kits for children in hospitals.  Our class was in charge of wrapping the flower pens that were put in the kits!